Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Perryopolis, PA: Life with the Jester

After several days in West Virginia, I headed to Perryopolis, PA, home of my outlaw, Dan.  I know, I know…he isn't really an outlaw, but he is my in-law, the dad of my daughter-in-law, and I don't know of a truly specific word for what we are to each other, except that we are grandparents together…but what is that?

I expected to stay a couple of days before heading out to my next stop, but something happened:  Perryopolis became my home for two weeks!  

A look down the street where I lived in Pennsylvania

The farm on which I lived

The entrance to my room

Dan--Not Working
Dan and his roommate are surveyors, a rather cool job, considering that George Washington owned a great deal of Perryopolis for a time--and HE was a surveyor.  As surveyors, they work a lot, much like the medical residents from my previous stay.  Americans work very hard. 

Six days a week they labor and on the seventh day, they experience the joys of Pennsylvania.  So, six days a week I chilled, watched television, visited public libraries, ate, drank--took a break from my own hard work of traveling--and on the seventh day, I tripped with the outlaw.

On my first Sunday, we traveled to Seven Springs Mountain Resort, where the views are expansive and we soared through the skies, zip lining.  

Pre-Rafting Photo Op
On my second Sunday, we floated down the Youghiogheny River, an experience of peace and quiet, except for the constant shouting of my raft partner, "Go, go, we are losing them!  Watch out!  The rapids are ahead!  Get ready!  Go, go!  Row, row!  Faster, faster!"

What you may not know is that there are no rapids.  
Good Times!
At several points, I asked for everyone (there were four of us) to be totally quiet so that I might capture the serenity of the experience for you, my faithful friends.  The first time, Dan waited two seconds before violently crushing a beer can.  The second time, he waited about three seconds before announcing, "Listen to the silence!"  Every attempt met with boisterous commentary and jokes.  I have posted my final attempt, one which ran out the phone's battery...

We had fun.  We laughed and drank and laughed and floated for four or five hours--time mattered not.  Our food supply had been left at home, so the trip had an added bliss of intoxication, the kind that brought immense joy and love for the beauty of the nature that surrounded us.  

My View - Loving my Vibrams - Great for river bottoms!
I made a vow on that day to spend more time with the trees, the rivers, the mountains, the dirt, and the sky--away from the internet, the car, the buildings, and the news.

Please enjoy the pictures and the happiness that they represent, because next time, we trip into one of the most gut-wrenching cities in America.

I am tripping…


A very cool one-way bridge and tunnel; however, floating underneath it, I noticed the beams are rusted to their demise.  I can't believe I kept driving over this thing...

A little bowling at the Sons of Italy...

My hosts.  Thank you!

Just a few of the animals hanging out in the backyard

More animals

Thursday night tradition - $2 margarita night!

My good friend, Diesel

Yay!  Solar panels spotted while rafting...

Washington Square in downtown Perryopolis

I know you've seen lots of driving pictures, but I just love tripping on these roads!

Oh!  I nearly forgot!  Dan taught me how to play cribbage--one of the best things ever!  If you find the game in the store, please let me know where.  I haven't been able to find it and I want to keep on playing.  :)

1 comment:

  1. We have a cribbage board. Any toy store should have cribbage. There are some great small travel boards around. Yeah, great game. Wish I could add faster. - Oz
