Saturday, September 7, 2013

The Sign for Which I Was(n't) Looking

Author's note:  For best results when playing videos, please use headphones…and turn it up…and for the sake of humanity, watch on the largest screen possible. Thank you.  

"I'm waiting for a sign."

Do you see it in the clouds?  Right over there…it's obvious.

Many people make major decisions only when they perceive a sign from a god or perhaps, the universe.   I have found, however, like John Lubbock:

"What we see depends mainly on what we look for."

Yes, we generally see that for which we are looking

I wonder why we need a sign?  Is it because we are afraid of taking responsibility for our decisions, or is it that maybe, somehow, we don't trust ourselves?   Hmmm... 

Me?  I love signs.  Not the mystical kind…I'm pretty sure the universe does not concern itself with my life…I mean…have you seen the size of this world?  

Pretty powerful video, yeah?  You didn't watch it?  Go back and watch it; I'll wait.  It puts all of our major life dilemmas  in perspective, and I seriously doubt whether or not the universe is trying to guide me using signs that are not of my own making.

But I digress.

When I heard this song (below) on the radio back in 1990, I was ecstatic, and I said to my friends, "Oh, man!  This was one of my favourites back in middle school!"

I was immediately shut down.  "No, this song was just released by Tesla; there is no way you know it from middle school."

Check it:

I am pretty sure that today is the first time I have seen 90's Tesla, and to me, they look like a 70's band...but I digress...again...

Hmmm…I insisted that I sang along to it in my early years, but no one would listen.  They laughed at me.   They made fun of me. They suggested that I was high (I was not).   And because in 1990 none of us were carrying around oracles, I humbly bowed out of the argument, doubted my own memories, and suffered embarrassment for being such a foolish young woman.

Now, writing a blog about a sign, recalling that horrible day of disgrace, I realize I must rectify this almost forgotten, misery-laden episode of my past. 

So…thanks to Al Gore and the invention of the internet, I bring you:  

 "Signs" (1970), written by Les Emmerson, lead singer of the Five Man Electrical Band

So there!  I don't remember who you are, but you were wrong. "Signs" was around when I was in middle school!  (And did you notice the shoutout to my blog on that headband?) 

But I digress once more.  As I was saying, I like signs--especially now that I am traveling into the uncharted…oh, sorry…very much mapped out, photographed, googled, and reviewed roads, towns, parks, landmarks, etc. of America.

So from Florida to Maine--despite the vast number of signs that I saw, studied, used, and/or ignored--I still had not found the one for which I was looking.  (Full disclosure, I wasn't actually looking for it, but when I saw it, I knew I had found it.  I guess it was a sign.) 

If you recall from my last blog (I know it was a long time ago; you don't have to tell me that), I had fallen in love with Maine and was working to get over it.  (Oh, you didn't know the object of my affection?)

But I have taken much too long to get to the point (especially if you watched the videos, and I prefer that you did!) so I will tell you about "the sign I was(n't) looking for" next time when I'm not tripping...


It really was an awesome sign--I'm sure it was put there just for me. I can hardly wait to tell you about it. In the meantime, learn some signs from one of my favorite songs…and don't forget the headphones!

"Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen, performed in sign language by Stephen Torrence

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